Wednesday 5 February 2014


This is our animatic. We have used still images to work out how we are going to edit our film. Also what camera angles we will use and to get an idea of how long we will have each shot. I think the timing of each scene has worked well because we have managed to time each scene to make it fit in the overall time needed. To make sure that these times are kept throughout our filming we will need to plan each scene properly. The titles I have used throughout the animatic has worked well. I think this because the colours and font fits in with the genre of our trailer. When I was editing this on final cut I had some problems with adding transitions in. They didn't always fit in the right places making it harder to get the transitions to be at the right size. If I was to create this again I could draw out the scenes in every camera angle we are planning to use. This would help to visualise the final trailer.

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