Friday 21 February 2014

trailer transcript

Upbeat music
(voice over)
Life was going great for me,  I had just started sixth form and enjoying time with my friends
Walking through school gates talking and laughing (cross dissolves)
Hanging out at park
Talking with friends
Walking down the street
Sitting with friends at lunch
Pause music
(voice over)
But then everything changed
Fast, tense music
close up of phone
I know your secret
Close up of face to show expression
Looks around at friends
I need to speak to you!
Shows friend message
I promise I told no one
Well you are the only one I told
*at home* *text messages/ facebook messages/ phone calls
I know what you are
What do you want from me
You're a disgrace to your family
A disgrace to your religion
Its unnatural
Tense slowed down music
Shows scenes of friend trying to comfort her
Telling her she wants to help her that she is there for her

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