Friday 4 April 2014

Evaluation question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In real film trailers I have seen the title and the release date are both shown at the end of the trailer. I have used this convention in my film trailer as it makes the most sense to show the clips of the film first to get the audience interested and then tell them the title and the release date. The font I have used for these is clear and bold however it still fits in with the genre.

As most film involving teenage bullying I have set my trailer in and around school. However other films trailers would probably show more variations of locations in and out of the school to show the characters in many different places and situations.


I think in a way my media product breaks the convention of the use of costume and props. This is because in most media products involving teenage bullying the characters are in school uniform when they are at school. As my characters are sixth form students I felt that uniforms weren't appropriate. We didn’t use many props as the elements of the film we decided to show in the trailer did not need many.
We have used a variety of different camera angles and different clips throughout our trailer to develop the conventions of real media products. This worked well as I was able to show I had improved with my camera work and editing over the year. In terms of editing I have used the usual fades in and fades out through out. However I have managed to include a split screen also. I think that the split screen has worked well as it is showing two sides of the story at once and it helps to introduce a new character and makes the trailer a bit more interesting.

There are elements in our trailer that has created intrigue to make the audience want to see and know more. This is in two parts of the trailer. At the beginning when we see the text message saying ‘I know your secret’, this makes the audience want to know what the secret is and who it is who has found out. This is also seen at the end of the trailer when the victim has been referred to a councillor and then we see her writing a suicide note. We decided to put these clips in this order to make the audience want to if she commits suicide or whether the clips have just been put like this to confuse them. 
Our film poster uses the conventions of real film posters. This is because we have included an image, film title, tag line and a billing box.  These are all elements of real media texts. The colours on our poster are fairly dark to set a mood to the film. The magazine also uses conventions of real media texts. It includes the main elements of real film magazine covers including the full page image, the magazine title, and elements showing what else is included inside the magazine.


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