Thursday 16 January 2014

film titles from About time

I have looked at the film title in the trailer for About Time to get an idea of what type of titles are used in a trailer. The first three titles are from the production companies distribution. They haven't included the whole of the institution just part of it so that the viewer can still see which production company.

The next two titles are showing the names of films from the same creators as this. The idea of this is to attract the audience from these well known films. By naming the films the audience will see the names and want to see this film. 

The next few titles are giving away the plot of the film slightly to help the viewer get the idea of the film. The viewer will see whats happening in the trailer and the titles explain it a bit more. However they don't give away the whole storyline as it is simply asking a question instead of telling. I think this is a good idea to question the viewer in the titles as it tell them a bit about what will happen and would make them think of what they would do.

The titles leading up to the end of the trailer give more away about the film. They are telling you that the film is about love, it is about life and it is about time.

The title of the film 'About Time' is shown in the next title. It is on its own on the screen to make it clear that that is the title of the film. Following after this isa screen showing where you could get more information of the film.

The font of these titles are plain and simple and it is easy to read.The font used throughout the film titles stays consistent. I think this is effective and I will take this onboard when choosing the font for my trailer.

1 comment:

  1. What did you find from researching these film titles and how will they apply/ influence to your own work?

    Miss Lancaster
