This font 'Apple Chancery', would work well for the titles as it fits in with the romance genre. This fits in with the romance genre as there is a lot of detail to it. However I think that this detail could look too over the top and could make it hard to read.
I like the font 'Handwriting- Dakota' as it looks quite simple and fits in with the romance genre. I think this could work well as it is easy to read and there is not too much is going on. The font is slanted which makes it look more romantic. However as the font is slanted this could make it hard for some people to read.
looks more femine and romantic
looks romantic but hard to read
looks strong and solid it is different
A good variety of fonts here Kayleigh (perhaps you could crop the image to just show the font though), which one is your group going to choose overall? Can you compare your final choice with the font used in a real romance trailer?