Wednesday 22 January 2014

Character profile for Tom

Tom was born in 1995 and grew up living in the countryside. He likes to spend his time boxing. In 2014 he met Louise online and asked to take her out on a date. This date turned into many more and they soon fell into a long time relationship. They enjoyed taking long walks together in the countryside and having romantic evenings

Full name: Thomas Barton
Nickname: Tom
Gender: Male 
Age: 18
Birthday: 19/12/1995
Place of birth: Kent
Lives: in the country side
Language spoken: English
Height: 6ft
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: brown  
Likes/ hobbies: Boxing

1 comment:

  1. Kayleigh, please think about all the conversations we have in class about evaluations- what works and why? what does not work and why? why did you chose that particular aspect etc, in comparison to others why is this part better...

    Please address these skills in your blog posts otherwise you are merely explaining what you are doing and are not reaching the high level you are able to for you blog posts.

    Thank you
    Miss Lancaster
